Shirobako is a 24episode anime television series produced by PA Works and directed by Tsutomu Mizushima It aired in Japan between and A manga adaptation began serialization in ASCII Media Works's Dengeki Daioh magazine in September 14, and a novel was published by Shueisha in January 15 An anime film premiered on FebruarySHIROBAKO山田昌志はおしっこ漏れちゃうカワイイ4滴目 総レス数 1001 239 KB 新着レスの表示 掲示板に戻る 全部 前100 次100 最新50 readcgi ver 01SC D ★Masashi Yamada (山田 昌志(やまだ まさし), Yamada Masashi) is one of directing staff in Musashino Animation Yamada does staging when in the anime timeline After finishing Third Aerial Girls Squad, Yamada becomes the director of Two Piece This anime is a turning point of his career After the huge success of Two Piece, Yamada made some wellrated animes such as My name As a result Shirobako がんばりマスタング 感想 なぜ どうして 大喧嘩回 あおいとありあの 夢 探し Gno2及びgno3 連邦 情報部 こっそり日記 バックアップ Shirobako 山田 モデル